
Hello It's me!

This is about a simple way to walk you through the pain of git and github setup. This is also a github static website with wonderful HTML,CSS and JavaScript.

What is Github?

Github is a website/service that we hear geeks rave about all the time. To understand Github, we must first have an understanding of Git. Git is an open-source version control system that was started by Linus Trovalds – the same person who created Linux. Because there're a lot of different ways to set up the git system, it's usually a painful journey for many nonprofessionals. So let's find an easier method to handle this issue and I'm sure you'll like it!


Step One

We don't want to confuse you by diversity, although is really cool to have it. But at this moment, we just stick on one way. First of all, please go to to download the git package according to your local machine's operation system. Then, please execute it by default. Please don't change anything, just follow the default instructions. And if you haven't registered on yet, please do it.


Step Two

After the installation, you will have a Git Bash icon on the desk, double click it will bring a DOS window popup. Git Bash is the git management center and bridge between you and the remote end, github, for example. There're different ways to fulfill this function, but again, we stick on the original way, Git Bash. (Next step is SSH configuration, which will set up a special tunnel between you and github, it's a safe and password free way.)


Step Three

Open Git Bash and type "ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096" after the $ sign (without the quotation mark) and click return. We wouldn't consider the username and email right now, they can be handled later. The system will show different prompt messages, a simple way is ignoring them all and just click return until you have the the SSH private and public keys. Then type eval "$(ssh-agent -s)" and return, continue to type ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa and return. Private key setup has been finished by now. Click here for more details


Step Four

Let's deal with the public key. Because the private key and public key were generated simultaneously, they just like the two sides of a coin. The private key stays at your local Git Bash, and the public key needs to be hold on the remote end, When your Git Bash visit your github account with the unique private key, the public key knows who it is and will let you through. Based on the background's steps to finish this part.(You can find the public key on the user's .ssh folder, open it with text or other editor.) Click here for more details


Step Five

Type ssh -T after the $ sign and return, if you see "You've successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not provide shell access", well done! You've made it! But if you see some sentences ending with "(yes/no)?", type yes and return. Click here for more details And then login to your github account and create your first repository. Congratulations!


Step Six

The first picture is copying your repository address to the clipboard. Since you have already set up the SSH
and cloned the first repository to you local PC, the left are not that difficult,
I am sure you will explore more and more Git orders to continue
this interesting github journey. Cheers!

Hello Again

Welcome to visit my github or contact me by this form.